Welcome to the youth page. Click on the highlighted link you wish to read and it will open in your browser.
Our Catechism program now has a Facebook page. You can visit us there by going to the website: www.facebook.com/pages/Palmer-Road-Catechism
Teen Encounter weekends are one of the highlights of being a Catholic Youth in P.E.I. Twice a year youth (ages 16-19) gather for a life-changing weekend of faith, love, music, friendship. Come out for this weekend, bring a friend, and find out.
Life Teen is an online community for Catholic Teenagers.
World Youth Day is a faith experience. You will meet interesting people, hear all kinds of languages, sing, pray, play etc. You can click here to visit the official site for World Youth Day.
Scholarships & Bursaries available through the Youth section on the Diocese of Charlottetown website.
Catholic Christian Outreach is a young and dynamic movement of university students and lay missionaries present on university campuses across Canada.
UPEI Chaplaincy on Facebook Join us on Facebook.
Saint Dunstan’s University Scholarship: The Saint Dunstan Scholarship is a $5,000 scholarship, renewable for an additional three years, awarded annually to a graduating high school student planning on attending UPEI. Three scholarships will be awarded each year. Application form and information regarding eligibility for the scholarship is available on line at www.saintdunstansuniversity.ca or by calling 902-393-3441.