Pope Francis

Pope Francis

Pope Francis

We have a new Pope. In a time where the people criticize the Church, it was a beautiful experience to see all the people rushing to St Peter’s Square, to see the face of the new leader or shepherd of the Church. Curiosity or faithful followers of Jesus or both? It does not really matter. The thing that we can be certain of is that they did not regret.

However there were people upset by the demonstration of joy and peace coming from St Peter’s Square, some of them using their pen only to describe the “big show of the Catholic Church” as if some people received an invitation to be there and fill up the Square. Surprise by the testimony coming from the faith, they had nothing else to say and unfortunately won’t be able to say anything else unless they know how to bow their heads as a sign of humility and like our Holy Father Pope Francis when on the balcony he asked for the people’s blessings.

Pope Francis was the one that the cardinals elected, a man from away. Away because of his origin, away also because he was not on the lists that the journalists had in front of them describing the perfect candidates for “the job” according to their age, their origin and even their theology. St John says something that we need to understand in order to understand the Church: “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” Jn 3:8 There is a reason for this election. And we do not have to know why. The real question is how: How is he going to change the things that need to change? However, do not put your hope where your own desires are. It won’t be what we think or maybe what we expect. Maybe the changes are in the choice of his name, a name that he was already carrying in his personal life through his way of life. But do not expect to see the Church “On Sales”, and Pope Francis leaving St Peter’s Square to live in a Mobile home outside Rome. For sure, some will be happy to turn St Peter’s Basilica into a big swimming pool like during the communism period. It won’t be that way. He already revealed something that goes together: Poverty and humility. This is the first beatitude that Jesus preached on the mountain. It is the beatitude that Pope Francis lived according to those who know him and the beatitude that stood out as he met his “flock” for the first time. As a spiritual son of St Francis, obviously he is a man of the Beatitudes. It is perhaps a direction to where our new pope is leading us in order to bring the beautiful message of the love of Christ to the world in this new evangelization that the Church is preparing. Blessed are we.